I take ea toddler shoes and just put a bow on it
My blender file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ntvv2qgq31cxxek/ea%20shoes%20%205.blend?dl=0
Bow uv map
UV 0
UV 1
Now I want the bow UV to be on the ea shoe UV but without messing up the hole ea UV map. Please help because when I unwrap all when join meshes it is not very good UV map.
All 4 my tries for UV map the shoes
My blender file after join and reduce poly:
with shoe get this
with bow get this
In game still something wrong
My shoes and the ea shoes more or less the same now but when she lift her leg to high this still
Ok I use the sneakers this time
Weight paint of sneakers
My shoes b_R_Calf
Shoes fine in game now
Answer: http://sims4studio.com/thread/16043/help-bow-on-shoes-map
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